Bit-Wizard's Be the Magic Foundation Brings Christmas Spirit to Families in Need

It’s Christmastime, and for the Wizards that means shopping, wrapping, and gifting is afoot! Several years ago, the team at Bit-Wizards decided that in lieu of client gifts and holiday cards, the company would donate Christmas gifts to families in need.

For 2022, Bit-Wizards’ Be the Magic Foundation chose to donate to 14 families, including 25 kids, that reside at Fresh Start for Children and Families. Fresh Start’s mission is to share love and compassion through a comprehensive educational, vocational, and economic housing program to help homeless families achieve self-sufficiency. Each child at Fresh Start was encouraged to write their “Wish List.”
"These marvelous Wizards and this company are what Christmas is all about. We deal with children in trauma here at Fresh Start, often leaving all their personal belongings behind and not knowing if they will get to eat or sleep in a bed each day. Each year, Bit-Wizards takes their little lists and fills them exactly as the children requested. The joy, the hope, and the belief that things can get better; that is what this wonderful company brings to our kids. My heart soars as they pull in each year. My only wish is that there were more Wizards in this world. THANK YOU."
-Donna Tashik, Executive Director at Fresh Start

Every item requested (and more!) was purchased and wrapped with holiday cheer by the staff at Bit-Wizards.
 "For the third year in a row, we have had the privilege and honor to purchase the entire Christmas list for the kids of Fresh Start. Each year, our excitement and passion grows to give back to the community. The first year we had five people in Santa’s Workshop wrapping and this year we had 19 people. Over 250 gifts were purchased and individually wrapped by our Wizardly elves! We know that the items on the lists are what the kids have asked for, and we are blessed to be in a place to make those dreams happen. Our team derives happiness from what we give, not what we get."
-Caroline McCoy, Be the Magic Foundation Board Member