Bit-Wizards Awarded American Advertising Federation Gold and Silver Addys

Bit-Wizards’ magical team was awarded Gold and Silver “ADDYs” by the American Advertising Federation Pensacola chapter for the 13th year in a row. The ADDY Awards are the largest and most representative competition in the advertising industry, recognizing and rewarding the creative spirit of excellence in the art of advertising.

For their work in 2022, Bit-Wizards earned two Gold and 12 Silver ADDYs, totaling 14 awards. Recognitions spanned various categories, including graphic design, social media, out-of-home, video, collateral, specialty advertising, digital marketing, and more. All 14 ADDY Awards now advance for consideration at the district level, which encompasses the state of Florida and the Caribbean.
“Once again the team at AAF Pensacola did an incredible job recognizing local students and professionals at their 40th Anniversary Gala. To be named “award-winning” alongside such a talented group is an honor. I couldn’t be more proud of our dedicated, hardworking team and the caliber of work they produce each and every day.”
-Heather Ruiz, Director of Marketing at Bit-Wizards