Eco Clean Marine announces its first sponsor, Ram Tail, in support of a cleaner ocean environment

Eco Clean Marine, a leading advocate for ocean conservation and cleanliness, is proud to announce its first sponsor, Ram Tail. The sponsorship will provide funds for the maintenance of Eco Clean Marine's fish feeding machine at OSO Bear Point Harbor, as well as support for their monthly trash pickup initiatives.

Ram Tail is a company that is dedicated to giving back to the environment and preserving the natural beauty of our oceans. By sponsoring a fish feeding machine from Eco Clean Marine, they are helping to create a cleaner and more sustainable ocean environment in their local community.

Eco Clean Marine is a non-profit organization that is committed to reducing the amount of ocean debris and waste that ends up in our oceans. Through their fish feeding machines and monthly trash pickups, they are working towards a cleaner, healthier ocean environment.

"We are thrilled to have Ram Tail join us in our mission to create a cleaner ocean environment," said Courtney Dombroski. "Their support will not only help us maintain our fish feeding machine, but also enable us to continue our monthly trash pickups, which play a crucial role in keeping our oceans clean."

The sponsorship from Ram Tail will help Eco Clean Marine expand its reach and impact, ensuring that their efforts to protect the ocean and preserve its beauty are sustained for future generations to enjoy.

Eco Clean Marine invites the public to join their mission and help preserve the natural beauty of our oceans. For more information on how you can get involved, please visit their website at
For further information, please contact:

Courtney Dombroski 