Eco Clean Marine Launches Fish Feeding Sponsorship Opportunity for Companies

Eco Clean Marine, a leading non-profit organization dedicated to ocean conservation, is proud to announce a new sponsorship opportunity for companies looking to show their commitment to the environment while promoting their brand.

Through the sponsorship, companies can support Eco Clean Marine's efforts to reduce ocean debris and waste, while also gaining exposure to a highly engaged and environmentally conscious audience. Sponsors will have their company logo and a link to their website displayed on Eco Clean Marine's fish feeding machines, providing them with an opportunity to connect with their target audience and build brand awareness.

"We are thrilled to offer this sponsorship opportunity to companies who are looking to show their commitment to the environment," said Courtney Dombroski. "This is a great way for companies to not only support our mission to create a cleaner ocean environment, but also promote their brand to an audience that cares about the environment."

Eco Clean Marine's fish feeding machines play a crucial role in reducing ocean debris and waste, while also providing a unique and educational experience for visitors. The funds raised through the sponsorship will help maintain these machines and support Eco Clean Marine's monthly trash pickup initiatives.

By becoming a sponsor, companies can demonstrate their commitment to environmental sustainability and make a positive impact in their local community.

For more information on Eco Clean Marine's fish feeding sponsorship opportunity, please visit their website at

For further information, please contact:
Courtney Dombroski

About Eco Clean Marine - Eco Clean Marine is a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing the amount of ocean debris and waste that ends up in our oceans. Through their fish feeding machines and monthly trash pickups, they are working towards a cleaner, healthier ocean environment.