Eight Local Children Receive Life-Changing Vision Aid

On Wednesday, March 15, local families gathered at White-Wilson Medical Center for a vision clinic during which eight children with severe visual impairments received Electronic Video Magnifiers (EVMs) funded by The White-Wilson Community Foundation (WWCF) in collaboration with Sight Savers America (SSA). The high-tech equipment opens a new world of opportunity, allowing the children to see more clearly what they have not been able to before. 

The vision clinic was made possible through a $15,670 grant from the WWCF and partnership with SSA, a nationally expanding nonprofit organization that offers free assistive technology for qualifying children. The equipment, training and maintenance services were provided at no cost to the families. 

“The Foundation is proud to partner again with Sight Savers America to provide this service to our community,” said Teresa Halverson, Chair of the Board of Directors. “Equipping these deserving children with EVMs is a life-changing experience, and seeing the excitement on their faces is truly incredible.”  

EVMs dramatically enhance contrast and magnify objects up to 118 times, allowing children to read, write, do homework, groom themselves and even see the faces of their loved ones clearly. This is the fourth SSA vision clinic the WWCF has funded since 2015, raising the total number of children served throughout Oskaloosa, Santa Rosa and Walton Counties to 29. 

For more information about The White-Wilson Community Foundation and how it works to address the health needs of community members, visit WhiteWilsonCommunityFoundation.org or call 850-863-8204.