Hurricane Season Protection Consultations Offered

The start of the 2023 Hurricane Season is only a few weeks away.

The City’s Department of Public Works provides one-on-one flood protection consultations to home and   business owners within our City limits. These consultations include a review of existing documentation (Elevation Certificates, V-Zone certificates, photos, development plans, etc.), an evaluation of the structural and/or mechanical vulnerabilities of the structure to flood damage from rising waters, the recommendation of best management practices to employ before a flood (that may potentially lower your flood level insurance premiums), and a pre-consultation site visit if requested.

Michael Burgess, our Public Works Director & Emergency Manager, is a certified Floodplain Manager with 18 years of experience as well as a Professional Hydrologist and Certified Stormwater Manager. Give him a call at 850-837-4242 or email him at if you would like to take advantage of this flood protection assistance program.