Local Business Broker Earns Prestigious CBI Designation

The International Business Brokers Association (IBBA) is pleased to announce that Michelle Royce of Emerald Coast Business Intermediaries has earned the prestigious Certified Business Intermediary (CBI) designation. The CBI, which represents the gold standard in the business brokerage industry, is granted to individuals who complete required course work, pass an extensive competency exam, and agree to uphold the IBBA’s Professional Standards and Code of Ethics.

“Earning the CBI takes dedication to the craft of business brokerage and demonstrates a personal commitment to excellence,” stated Jeff Snell, IBBA Credentialing Committee Chair and 2019 IBBA Chair.  “The CBI is a clear indicator of knowledge and experience, and we encourage business sellers and buyers to look for the CBI designation when selecting a business broker to work with,” added Snell.