Bridge the Mentorship Gap for Local Youth this National Mentoring Month

In alignment with National Mentoring Month, Big Brothers Big Sisters is launching a call to action for Northwest Florida to help close the mentorship gap for local youth. It's critical, now more than ever, to continue expanding mentorship's reach so that every child, regardless of their circumstances, receives the support, resources, and opportunities they need to thrive. 

Currently, one in three kids in America are growing up without a sustained, positive adult mentor in their lives, and over 30,000 young people are on the waiting list, eager to be matched to a mentor. In Northwest Florida alone, more than 100 children are waiting to be paired with a Big Brother or Big Sister.

The disparity between mentorship availability and the youth who need it most continues to widen due to perceived barriers related to the time and expertise required to become a mentor. This January, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwest Florida aims to shift perceptions of mentorship by highlighting the little everyday moments that can profoundly impact young lives - such as time spent watching a movie, sharing a slice of pizza, or grabbing coffee. 

"By becoming a mentor, you can make a difference in a child's world. It's not about finding extra time; it's simply sharing the time you already have. These experiences can ignite potential, foster growth, and shape a brighter future for our youth. Join us this month by getting involved or sharing the message and be a part of inspiring greatness." 
-Paula Shell, CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwest Florida.

To celebrate National Mentoring Month, we are inviting the community to share their most pivotal mentorship moments, no matter how big or small, across all social media channels using the hashtag #BeBig. This collection of stories will serve as a testament to the significant impact and universality of mentorship moments. For more information on becoming a mentor and bridging the gap between people and possibility, visit