Okaloosa County Commissioner Mel Ponder Appointed to FAC Board of Directors and Committees

We are proud to announce that Okaloosa County Commissioner Mel Ponder was recently appointed to serve a third consecutive year as an at-large member on the Board of Directors for the Florida Association of Counties (FAC). Additionally, Commissioner Ponder was appointed to serve on the Finance, Tax, and Administration Policy Committee (FTA) and as Co-Vice Chairman of the Presidential Select Committee on Preemption.

“I truly appreciate being able to serve on the Board and these committees, working with my fellow policy leaders in the FAC,” said Okaloosa County Commissioner Mel Ponder. “The goals of each committee and the FAC Board resonate with me personally and speak to values like ethics, fiscal responsibility, and keeping local government local.”

The FAC Board and its committees are tasked with developing and recommending an annual statewide legislative platform for counties based on the issue areas under each committee’s jurisdiction.

The FTA committee will consider and address issues including, but not limited to, taxation, local revenue, state shared revenue, economic development, local fiscal administration, elections, ethics, and utilities.

As Co-Vice Chairman of the Presidential Select Committee on Preemption, Commissioner Ponder will work with fellow policy leaders from across the state to address the issue of preemption of local home rule authority. The committee will study the trends, causes, and proponents of state preemption of local authority with the goal of creating sustainable solutions or alternatives to state preemption.

Commissioner Ponder will work closely with FAC’s executive committee to develop and recommend a statewide legislation platform that will serve as a guide in shaping the association’s priorities for the upcoming 2024 Legislative Session.

To view a list of all policy committees and policy leader appointments, please visit https://www.fl-counties.com/governance/2024-policy-committees/.