Northwest Florida State College Expands Access to Skill Training for Childcare Providers

Northwest Florida State College (NWFSC), in collaboration with the Early Learning Coalition of the Emerald Coast, is excited to announce a new initiative to address workforce gaps in the early childhood education space. NWFSC and the Early Learning Coalition of the Emerald Coast will offer a cohort of classes to child care providers to earn staff and director-level credentials. 
This initiative is inspired by the charges of both the Florida Department of Education and the Division of Early Learning to help individuals advance or acquire the required skills and certifications to provide quality child care education, particularly for those who are employed within school readiness contracted programs.
“This initiative is an important one for our community, given the demand for early childhood education,” said Dr. Devin Stephenson, President of NWFSC. “I am excited by our collaboration with our local Early Learning Coalition and look forward to training the next generation of practitioners.”
Florida’s school readiness program offers financial assistance to eligible low-income families for early education and care, helping them become financially self-sufficient and their children to succeed in school. The Teacher Education Department at NWFSC will provide the classes and support necessary for successful completion. 
The implementation will result in industry certifications earned by each student, namely, the Florida Childcare Professional Credential and the Director’s Credential. These credentials are significant for early childhood educators as they typically equate to immediate pay raises. Other certifications available through this initiative at the College include:
The Preschool Specialization Certificate
Infant/Toddler Specialization Certificate
Child Care Center Management Certificate