November 2023 Update from One Okaloosa EDC

By Nathan Sparks, CEcD
Executive Director of One Okaloosa EDC

I hope that each and every one of you had a festive and enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday! For the team here at One Okaloosa EDC, Thanksgiving offered a much needed break. Fall tends to be one of our busiest seasons, and this year has certainly been no exception. Along with working projects, hosting prospect site visits, advocating for our vital military missions, participating in multiple marketing events, and conducting “thank you” visits to the out-of-state headquarters of four companies that have a sizable presence in Okaloosa County, we began to gear up for the 7th annual TeCMEN Industry Day scheduled for May 15, 2024 at the Destin-Fort Walton Beach Convention Center. With an emphasis on showcasing our region’s valued technology, manufacturing, aerospace and defense industries, TeCMEN Industry Day has grown every year. “Early Bird” exhibitor registration is now underway until Dec 31, and 13 of the 16 sponsorship packages have already been sold! Visit to learn more. 

In this season of gratitude, we were especially delighted to host One Okaloosa’s annual Investor Appreciation and Officer Installation on November 2nd at the Hilton Garden Inn. This reception is my favorite event that we host every year - primarily because the only real agenda is to say thank you to the volunteer leaders and investors who enable us to do what we do on behalf of our great community. I am constantly reminded how blessed we are to live in a community with such fantastic public and private sector leadership – people who truly “care” about the future of this special place we call home. So, as my early holiday gift to you, I’m yielding the remainder of the space to photos of some of the great partners who make One Okaloosa the organization that it is. Enjoy!