Okaloosa County Commissioner Paul Mixon Appointed to Florida Association of Counties Committee

We are proud to announce that Okaloosa County Commissioner and Vice Chairman Paul Mixon was recently appointed to the Florida Association of Counties (FAC) Health, Safety & Justice Policy Committee by the association’s president, Bill Truex of Charlotte County.

“I’m honored to be chosen to work on this committee,” said Okaloosa Board of County Commissioners Vice Chairman Paul Mixon. “Healthcare, public safety, and substance abuse treatment are all topics that I am passionate about. I think that this committee has a real opportunity to craft policy that will make a difference in the lives of Florida citizens.”

The Health, Safety & Justice committee deals with public policies that encompass the following:
• Behavioral and Mental Health
• Healthcare and Human Services Funding
• Healthcare and Human Services Policy
• Emergency Medical Services
• Law Enforcement, Juvenile Justice & Corrections
• Substance Use Disorder Prevention and Treatment
• Emergency Management
• Emergency Communication
• Judiciary – Article V

In his role as a policy leader, Vice Chairman Mixon will hold a committee position for the duration of one year. He will work closely with FAC’s executive committee to develop and recommend a statewide legislation platform for issues within their committee’s jurisdiction. These platforms will serve as a guide in shaping the association’s priorities for the upcoming 2024 Legislative Session.

FAC’s Policy Committees are responsible for proposing, debating, and adopting policy positions that focus on improving and preserving Florida’s counties.

“The success of the association, and by extension Florida counties, relies heavily on the role played by our policy committees,” said FAC President Bill Truex. “I took careful time and consideration when choosing this year’s appointments and I am confident that each leader's invaluable expertise will be an asset to accurately represent the diverse needs of our state."

To view a list of all policy committees and policy leader appointments, please visit https://www.fl-counties.com/governance/2024-policy-committees/.