Okaloosa County School District Highlights Career and Technical Education Month

The Okaloosa County School District (OCSD) strives to lead the way for Career and Technical Education in Florida. We are constantly looking for new ways to meet the needs of local industry and prepare our students to explore, compete, and succeed as lifelong learners in careers that are available in our area and the entire state of Florida.
A few statistics about CTE in the OCSD:
    • OCSD offers 19 different CTE Programs and 101 different courses
    • School Year 2021-2022
            o 1,382 Industry Certifications were earned
            o 1,079 Digital Tool Certificates were earned
            o ~$820,286 CAPE funds earned, these funds go directly back to the program that earned them.
    • Since 2007
            o Over $10.2 million in CAPE funding earned
            o 18,576 Industry Certifications earned
    • 80% of all CTE courses are honors, or Advanced Placement weighted credit
    • 45 of our CTE courses meet the Fine/Practical Art graduation requirement
    • 12 of our CTE courses meet the Online Course graduation requirement
    • 4 of our CTE courses satisfy a Science elective credit
    • We currently have 7,846 high school and middle school students enrolled in CTE courses
We are proud to offer so many opportunities to our students, including Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Cyber Security, Carpentry, Nursing, and Welding. For more information about our CTE programs, please visit our website at www.mycteworks.com