Okaloosa County School District Highlights Graduates of Okaloosa Up

On Tuesday, May 21, the Okaloosa County School District, families, and friends celebrated the achievements of three remarkable individuals - Reid Soria, Bailey Lamonte, and Diana Dowart, for completing the Okaloosa Unique Professionals program, also known as “Okaloosa UP.” Through Okaloosa UP, they have gained invaluable training and support, enabling them to develop essential career skills and earn occupational completion points, career certificates, and even industry certifications or licensure. All three students received certificates for completion in the Safe Staff Florida Food Handler and the Specialized Career Instruction Comprehensive course. The students also attained employment in their last semester while enrolled at Okaloosa Technical College.

Superintendent Marcus Chambers stated, "This is not just a graduation but a stepping stone towards a brighter future, made possible by the transformative power of the Okaloosa UP program. The program's comprehensive training and support have been instrumental in their success, and these students have not only overcome challenges but also soared to new heights, setting a shining example for all. " A special thanks goes to the staff at Okaloosa Technical College and the families of these students, who have played a pivotal role in their success. Also, thanks to the Hilton Garden Inn and Holiday Inn Resort for supporting this program.