We're Celebrating our 18th Birthday

18 years of CVHN. As our ‘milestone’ birthday lit up on the April calendar, it caught us all by surprise. Our dental clinic was in full swing serving the children of Butler Elementary while our full team prepared to support the Destin Charity Wine Auction weekend.  In that same week, our service summary report showed us another HUGE milestone - $8 Million in services provided free to children in need over these 18 years. These numbers leave us overwhelmed with gratitude. It is with the time, love, and generosity of so many in this community that we can celebrate these successes. Your impact on both the children and this organization is everlasting. Today and everyday, we are thankful for you!
What started with one child now encompasses health care for nearly 1100 children each year. What began in the small youth group of Point Washington church now spans nine elementary schools and numerous partner organizations per year.
With your continued support, we have so much growth ahead. 
As another school year comes to a close, you might think its ‘summer break’ but our mobile clinics have more work to do – bringing care  to the children of Destin Boys + Girls Club, to the families of Children in Crisis, and in partnership with our friends at Westonwood Ranch.
Our birthday wish? We ask that you consider visiting this link to donate + contribute as you see fit to gift us the BEST BIRTHDAY – continued support of our kiddos. The magic number? $18,000 – this total will provide support to our summer programs in staff time, supplies, and services. Every $100 dollars donated allows us to provide one child with a comprehensive exam and full routine cleaning. $18,000 for 18 years!! We will be celebrating this milestone all summer long. Thank you again for being part of the journey. 
With Gratitude,

Megan Trent
Executive Director