You just have TWO weeks left...

Hello Destin,
Sixty-five minutes isn’t a lot of time. It’s shorter than a movie and maybe the length of a meeting at work.
Yet every 65 minutes, one of our nation’s veterans takes his or her own life.
I want you to know that YOU can stand up and help them. These men and women don’t have to be left on their own to fend for themselves. 
In two short weeks on the evening of October 8, we’ll host our annual TPA Social. This event is a hands-on way that YOU can make a difference in the lives of our veterans. 
Whether you're near or far, you have two options to join us:
1. Purchase a ticket and register to be a part of this special night with amazing food, music and networking as we raise support for our warriors. 
2. Sponsor a veteran and allow one of our warriors to attend this powerful night that honors their sacrifice, free of charge.  
ALL proceeds from this event will go straight to The Resiliency Project, our whole health care program that is bringing freedom and hope to so many veterans.

When we send our warriors away to war, so many of them are left with the physical and mental scars of their sacrifice. 

It's time for us to come together and help our nation’s veterans who are struggling with PTSD and ongoing challenges from military service.

Find out how you can get involved right now at 

I can’t wait for this special night to celebrate with so many of you. Thank you for all that you are making possible through your generosity!